Wow it's been a while. And while I've cooked awesome stuff (i'll post eventually) I haven't actually crafted much of anything this semester. So this pent up spirit went berserk last night when my roomie suggested we make the signs for our doors which we've been meaning to make for when we move into our apartment next month! Behold:
I know I don't paint evenly... whatever, it's gonna get covered anyways!
Finished product! I like rhinestones. And the paint came out pretty awesome with a bit of shimmer because I added some white metallic paint to paints I used!
My personal favorite. I got this idea earlier in the week to make an LSAT motivation shirt.... the bows aren't part of the shirt btw. But yes, I was slightly inspired by Charlie Sheen, so I made an iron on and turned a 5 dollar walmart shirt into an epic lucky shirt! The bows are stupid hair accessories I made. They make me happy; go ahead and laugh!